Pre-Game Preparation: Tips for a Successful Sports Photo Shoot

A successful sports photo shoot goes beyond the action on the field; it begins long before the game starts. Pre-game preparation is crucial to ensure everything runs smoothly and you capture those unforgettable moments. Here’s how you can set the stage for a successful sports photo shoot, as practiced by Kevin Ewing Photography.

  1. Know the Sport and the Schedule: Understand the rules, the flow, and the key moments of the sport. Familiarize yourself with the game schedule to plan your shots and positions.

  2. Scout the Location: Visit the venue beforehand if possible. Get a feel for the lighting, background options, and potential shooting spots.

  3. Check Your Gear: Ensure all your equipment is in working order. Clean your lenses, charge your batteries, and make sure you have ample memory card space.

  4. Pack Wisely: Bring only what you need but ensure you have backups for essential gear. Pack your bag so that everything is accessible.

  5. Plan Your Shots: While sports are unpredictable, having a shot list can guide your focus. Plan for team shots, action shots, candid moments, and any specific requests.

  6. Coordinate with the Team and Organizers: Communication is key. Make sure you know the program and any specific moments or people that need to be photographed.

  7. Dress Appropriately: Wear comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing and shoes. You'll be moving a lot and possibly spending time outdoors.

  8. Arrive Early: Give yourself plenty of time to set up, check your gear, and get a feel for the day's flow before the action starts.

  9. Check the Lighting: Understand the lighting conditions and how they might change during the event. Plan your settings and positions accordingly.

  10. Stay Flexible: Despite the best-laid plans, be prepared to adapt. Sports are dynamic, and the best moments often come unplanned.

At Kevin Ewing Photography, we understand the importance of preparation in sports photography. By taking the time to prepare thoroughly, you not only ensure a smoother shoot but also put yourself in the best position to capture those stunning, high-energy moments that define sports photography.

Whether it's a local league, a school tournament, or a professional event, these pre-game preparation tips will help you stay focused on the action and capture the best of sports in every frame.

Kevin Ewing